Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Is this an ugly blog or what?

No, I'm not a designer. I've always wanted to be and I think I know what looks good most of the time, but I just can't put it all together. I'll leave that to others, I suppose.

So bear with me as I endure our recent move and try to update this oh-so-meager looking blog 'o mine.

We moved! Ellie and I are now back in the land of the Hoosiers. I always said that I'd only move home if the perfect job fell into my lap. Well, it did. I'm the new E-School Coordinator for Indianapolis Public Schools. My charge is to identify and facilitate e-learning opportunities for students in five high schools. IPS is a large, struggling urban school district with a frightening drop-out rate. 75% of students we serve come from single family homes, so you know I have a passion for helping that population! I'm very excited about the work ahead of me. I feel like I'm in a position to DO SOMETHING.

That said, we're staying with my mom and dad until we close on the new house next week. I am eternally grateful for their generosity, but the truth is: there's a reason we moved out 20 years ago. I keep breathing and waiting. Patience is the lesson, for sure.

Would love to hear from any and all. I haven't posted in a long time so I don't know if anyone will ever come back!


Unknown said...

I came back! Congrats on the move and the job! It sounds awesome!

mamalicious said...

Thanks, bwaa haa haa. :)

I'm glad you're back. I promise to be a better "blogger," although I think that title is reserved only for cool bloggers like you. :)

Jaded said...

Sounds like a great job...congrats!

And can you believe our girls are getting so big?

Clandestine said...

hi! :)