Thursday, May 05, 2005

the day i met her

my daugher, that is. There's a lot about childbirth that they just don't tell you. Contractions seemed nothing like those bendover-scream-in-pain things you see on TV. At least they weren't for me. I had a miserable pregnancy...22 weeks of morning sickness (the pull over and puke out of the car kind), I had high blood pressure, SHINGLES. And then I fell down and we thought she was so mad, she'd come a week early. She didn't.

Anyway, I pushed for three and a half hours - my doctor thought I was a champ. I guess I didn't realize it was that long until I got exhausted...and then a little fearful. What if I'm the only woman in the history of civilization who can't make the baby come out? They threatened her with the vacuum after Courtney saw the desperation on my face. I said, "I can do 15 more minutes but I don't think I can do another hour." Courtney said, "let's get her out of there." She knows me better than anyone.

Ellie responded to the vacuum by deciding she wanted no part of that contraption. As soon as the doctor held it up, I had to push and down, down, down she came. It was the weirdest thing. I had no control - threw my head back (I guess you're not supposed to do that) and closed my eyes, pushed. The nurse - trying to encourage - said, "put your hand down here, feel her head...she's coming." I said, "I CAN FEEL HER HEAD FROM HERE!!!"

Two more pushes and I heard the doc say, "reach down here and grab your baby, melissa." The sweetest words - I had no idea how but I just did it. Grabbed that precious girl and pulled her to my chest. I wept. Like in the movies. I cried, cried, cried. Kissed Courtney, watched the nurse cry, too.

Best moment of my life. She's 18 months and I remember it like it was yesterday. Thanks, Rosie, for helping me remember that day.


Cindy said...

Rosie brought me back to the birth of my son also! I saw your comment on Bennett's site.......he deleted my last one. I guess I won't be able to post there any more since I've been labeled a trouble maker.
I can still go for a laugh, and I will.

Cindy said...

I'm assuming that I'm banned from leaving comments. I left him a perfectly nice one thanking him for the insight into my personality. Also mentioned that I didn't agree with anything he said, that I just go there for a laugh. That comment was deleted, so I must be banned. It was a perfectly nice response. He does nothing but double talk. And shame on anyone who doesn't agree with him. Just the comments he's made to Rosie's comments are enough to make my blood boil, but I still have to laugh at him. He is just out to make a buck, notice all the links to his music. It's a business plan.

Jaded said...

I have no idea what the guy's really trying to do. There are so many contradictions in his writing, and when he's called on it, he tries to explain it away as if the reader was an idiot. He seems to think that he's this really high profile, important celebrity, and yet, I've never heard of him. I only found him through is "open letter" to Rosie O'Donnell. None of my gay friends have ever heard of him either, and I've asked a number of them. I think Cindy has a point about his business plan.

Jaded said...

I'm done with that nonsense as well. It's not a "discussion," it's a way for him and his flock to attack anyone who doesn't agree with them. He keeps using the terms homosexuals and Christians as if you can't be a gay Christian. I don't believe that at all. Jesus loves everyone. Period. The Bible specifically states that it's ok to have slaves, but it's illegal now. Moses said divorce was ok, but Jesus said absolutely not, yet divorced people can be Christians. That guy applies only the parts of the Bible that suit him, and disregards the rest, which is exactly what he accuses everyone else of. He's clearly been misguided, as no clergyman or woman I know had ever made such biggoted, judgemental statements. Ever. Sheesh.

lightfeather said...

Glorious post! I birthed my daughter in my heart and not my womb...with all the descriptions lately of the pain stuff, the more I like giving birth through the heart :-)

author said...

Happy Mothers day !!
Beautiful story.

Unknown said...

What a nice post, Melissa. I might just have to go digging for Declan's birth story now.