Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by mamalicious1.
My good friend and co-worker, Linda, made Ellie some jammies that match those of her doll. Ellie couldn't be happier (as you can see).

Our beautiful, sweet girl turns two on Saturday. I can't always grasp the wonder and magic she's brought to our lives. I don't even remember what life was like before she was here...


Pat said...

What a cutie-patootie!

And how in the world do you manage those curls every day?

Love the jammies -- so feminine, yet so practical, too!

mamalicious said...

Pat, the curls are basically unmanageable! Sometimes she'll let me comb through them, but only if I bribe her!

My sister called me last night to tell me that the ribbon on the jammies is I cut it off. :)

Clandestine said...

what a cutie!!

author said...

oh my goodness how beautiful she is.
Thanks for sharing this pic of her.
my kids have the same curls.
In red or brown tones.
They are unmanageable and beautiful.

Blogzie said...

She is beyond adorable.

She looks like a little doll and is so thrilled with her new jammies.

I remember that thrill and all that warm and snuggly flannel.

What a beautiful child she is.

Thanks for sharing this.

CrackerLilo said...


She looks super-cuddly in those flannel jammies! :-) Thanks for sharing the sweetness!