Thursday, January 26, 2006

people are stupid - it's making me cranky

Today's lesson: make sure you pay attention to the address line when you're trying to FORWARD an email to someone. Disaster can result if you hit REPLY instead. Example (long-story warning):

We have these friends who travelled with us last summer. I find one of the couple to be extremely enjoyable and even wonderful to be with. The other is a pain in my ass. Most of that has to do with the fact that our ideas of spending time on a kid-friendly cruise were very different, so by the end of the trip we'd kind of gone our separate ways. No big deal, no love lost, just the realization that we're not all great travel companions. Sooooo, since the cruise we've been in contact sporadically - "hi, how are you? hope the kids are good." I sent such an email with an attached photo of Ellie yesterday." Here's the REPLY I got:

"You thought (insert their child's name here) was chunky! Why is she getting in touch with me? Will ignore for a while."

Okay, breathe. It's obvious that she was TRYING to FORWARD my chunky child's picture to her partner and wondered why I'm getting in touch with her. Why are people so stupid? Why am I so stupid to even send the photo of my NOT CHUNKY child?

So I replied like this: "I'm guessing you didn't intend for me to receive this message...but now I get the message. Loud and clear. Why was I getting in touch with you? Just trying to be nice. No need to ignore me, though - we'll stay away."

Please weigh in - did I craft a good response?


Clandestine said...

very good response - i would have gone MENTAL!

Unknown said...

Thumbs up from me. I would have gone farther than mental and thrown the computer across the room. HOW RUDE.

Pat said...

You're a better person than I am. It was a great response and, for the record, I wouldn't use "chunky" to describe your little darlin'. And, I agree, it's the angle. ALL little munchkins have that layer of "baby fat" or whatever it is.

I had a similar situation where my some friends were talking about me behind my back and, apparently, someone hit "reply all" and made comments about me. When I called them out on it, one cut off contact, another apologized, and one, rather than accept some personal responsibility, accused me of hacking her email account.



I ADORE the pictures you post of your sweet baby girl!

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