Friday, January 27, 2006

so they say she IS chunky

Originally uploaded by mamalicious1.
Yesterday a very rude person mistakenly sent me an email that referred to my child as "chunky." For more info, see post below. This is the picture that prompted the chunky comment. I showed it to my students today (after giving them the oh-so-important lesson on email etiquette) and they decided that while the message wasn't so nice, my child is, indeed, "chunky."

Hmph. I think it's the angle.


author said...

All small children should have a tummy like hers.
She is not chunky.
Chunky is rolls of fat on legs and arms.
That bitch in the post below
should be asamed.
I can not fathom someone being so cruel for their own enjoyment.
It sucks when you learn your instincts were right yet,
your morals and upbringing urge
you to reach out.
Only to be "bitch slapped".
I'm sorry.
Listen to your gut is all
I can advise.


Unknown said...

What do teenagers know??? ;)

She is NOT chunky. Declan still has a belly like that, too.

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